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What’s Going On in Washington?

What’s Going On in Washington?

Exploring current ERISA and DOL areas of interest In a significant move by the Department of Labor (DOL), new regulations are being rolled out that may impact your ERISA compliance and retirement plan administration. Learn how these changes could influence your retirement plan, discover Washington's initiatives, and prepare your company effectively. Retirement Security Rule expands fiduciary definition Effective September 23, 2024, a new DOL regulation, the “Retirement Security Rule,” redefines when a person is a fiduciary under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code. This rule replaces the DOL’s five-part test that has been in place since 1975. The new fiduciary…

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Smart Not Spoiled: Raising Financially Savvy Kids

Smart Not Spoiled: Raising Financially Savvy Kids

In this episode of the Dollar Wise Podcast, host Jason Gabrieli is joined by Chad Willardson, president and founder of Pacific Capital, bestselling author, and co-founder of GravyStack. Chad shares his journey of teaching financial literacy to children, inspired by his experiences as a father of five. He discusses the development of GravyStack, an innovative app designed to help kids learn about money through practical activities, and the importance of financial education at a young age. Chad also delves into the philosophy behind his book "Smart Not Spoiled," offering practical advice for parents on raising financially responsible children. Tune into…

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Unlocking Tax Relief and Employee Appreciation: The Power of Profit Sharing

Unlocking Tax Relief and Employee Appreciation: The Power of Profit Sharing

Profit sharing is not just a tool to reduce your company's tax liability; it is also a powerful means of expressing gratitude towards your employees. As we close the books on last year, employers often find themselves looking for ways to lower their impending tax bills. At the same time, companies are trying to retain and reward top talent. Is there a strategy that accomplishes both? Absolutely, and it's known as profit sharing. This tax-efficient strategy can serve as a power tool for expressing employee appreciation and has the potential to improve morale, engagement, and loyalty. The Power of Profit…

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5 Helpful Ways to Organize Your 401(k) Fiduciary Files

5 Helpful Ways to Organize Your 401(k) Fiduciary Files

Discover top strategies for maintaining organized 401(k) fiduciary files with best practices for compliance and peace of mind. As a plan sponsor, one of your primary responsibilities is ensuring that your company's retirement plan operates smoothly and within the boundaries of compliance regulations. This is no small feat, especially when dealing with the complexities of a 401(k) plan. One of the ways to help enable hassle-free management is by maintaining neat and tidy records. This article will provide you with some practical tips and best practices on how to organize and document your fiduciary files. Why Is Retirement Plan Documentation…

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Boosting Profits and Savings: 5 Tax Strategies for Business Owners

Boosting Profits and Savings: 5 Tax Strategies for Business Owners

For business owners, striking a balance between operating costs and profit is the cornerstone of success. Operating costs include everyday expenses like salaries, rent and supplies. Profit, on the other hand, is what remains after all these operating costs have been paid. It's the reward for the risks taken and the value created by your business. Often, savvy business owners will look to tax strategies to help find the sweet spot, where operating costs are managed efficiently while maximizing profit. By utilizing tax-friendly strategies, owners can reduce their tax liability, effectively boosting profits without increasing sales or cutting costs. Let's…

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Finding Opportunities in the Chaos: Why You Should Invest During Market Volatility

Finding Opportunities in the Chaos: Why You Should Invest During Market Volatility

2022 was a rough year for investors. And when the market becomes challenged, people begin to feel intimidated and might look to put their money elsewhere. And yes, investing involves risk, but don't stick your head in the sand and think relying on bank interest will be enough to reach your goals because, historically, you will lose to inflation over the long term. Jason and Tyler review market turbulence, past market performance and what those investments would be worth today. Tune into this episode to also learn: How to beat inflation The right way to calculate how much you’re really…

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Cash Balance Plan: Could You Save Even More?

Cash Balance Plan: Could You Save Even More?

If you are a New Jersey business owner looking to maximize tax deductions and accelerated retirement savings, you might consider a cash balance plan! Cash balance plans provide a unique way to save for retirement that combines features of both traditional defined benefit plans and 401(k) plans. A cash balance plan can help you and your key employees save upwards of $200,000 per year for retirement! If you are looking for larger tax deductions and accelerated retirement savings, a Cash Balance Plan may be a perfect solution for you. Cash Balance Plans at a Glance Key Benefits Include: Tax advantages…

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Fiduciary Best Practices: Why Investment Oversight is Important for 401(k) Committees

Fiduciary Best Practices: Why Investment Oversight is Important for 401(k) Committees

Selecting and monitoring investment options for your company’s retirement plan is just one part of your fiduciary responsibility. How do you evaluate, benchmark and assess your plan and what other expertise or protection should you consider? An investment committee has a lot of responsibilities, including selecting and monitoring the investment options for the retirement plan; but there are plenty of resources available to help make informed decisions. By being proactive and educated on these topics, you can reduce the risk of lawsuits related to excessive fees or violations of ERISA. In recent years, class action lawsuits have been filed against…

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Why Plan Fiduciaries Need to Pay Careful Attention to Retirement Plan Fees

Why Plan Fiduciaries Need to Pay Careful Attention to Retirement Plan Fees

Ready to find out if you are paying reasonable fees with your 401(k)? Fill out our contact form to request your free plan benchmarking report. Competitive benchmarking is a way to measure and compare fees associated with running your retirement plan. Explore the most frequently asked questions about plan costs and benchmarking. Retirement plan fees can take many different forms, making it difficult to determine whether they're reasonable. In this article, we'll discuss why fiduciaries need to pay careful attention to fees and how benchmarking can help you make informed decisions. We'll also explore some of the most frequently asked…

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Defining Workplace Goals is a Vital First Step to an Effective Retirement Plan

Defining Workplace Goals is a Vital First Step to an Effective Retirement Plan

Retirement plans can be as unique as your company and its employees. Yet many committees do not take the time to set specific goals for their plans. Without defined goals, it can be difficult to create an effective retirement plan that meets expectations. Here’s helpful guidance about defining your plan goals and offering this benefit which helps everyone save toward retirement success. Each time you discuss the company’s 401(k) plan, it is an opportunity to identify goals and align plan design. Aligning plan goals with specific features has the potential to improve outcomes. Plan considerations might include who is eligible,…

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