Contingency-Free Real Estate: How Anyone Can Become A Cash Buyer
The real estate market is as competitive as ever, even for the most qualified buyers. And if you’re like most people and need to place contingencies in your offer, such as needing to sell your home first or getting approved for a mortgage, the seller would incur greater risks with you and so they would likely choose a cash offer instead.
Thomas Bickett from AnnieMac Home Mortgage joins Jason to discuss how anyone can become a cash buyer with their Cash2Keys Program, a game-changing solution that empowers buyers to secure their dream homes with confidence.
Tune into this episode to also learn:
- Will 2008 repeat itself?
- Why sellers keep rejecting your offers
- How to make an offer a seller cannot refuse
What we discussed
(00:31) Buying a single family home
(02:34) Why sellers don’t accept conditional offers
(03:08) Are we in a real estate bubble?
(04:56) Are interest rates too high?
(05:48) How anyone can become a cash buyer
(10:16) How Cash2Keys works
3 Things To Remember
- Reasons the real estate market is nothing like 2008: (a) people are overqualified for their mortgages rather than underqualified, and (b) there is more demand than supply.
- Using the Cash to Keys program, you can buy a new home without any contingencies. You can buy a new home now and sell your existing home later.
- Here’s how cash to keys works: get prequalified → cash to keys buys your house and helps you put in a cash offer that stands out → you buy it back from cash to keys as soon as you’re ready
Useful Links
Cash to Keys: Cash2Keys | Thomas Bickett (annie-mac.com)
Thomas Bickett: LinkedIn | Phone: (856) 375-8679
AnnieMac Home Mortgage: https://thomasbickett.annie-mac.com/
Connect with Jason Gabrieli: jgabrieli@HFMadvisors.com | LinkedIn
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